
Some traditions die hard. The old belief that a leader and their beliefs is what guides a civilization into prosperity has worn itself into obsolescence. This is especially the case given the gamut of so-called world leaders who continually marginalize the citizens of their nation in the interest of asserting absolute power. In places like Turkey and the Philippines, the heads of state behave like spoiled children afraid to lose whatever relevance the people have been taught to give them. Venezuela knows all too well the trials of overbearing leadership that fails to see its shortcomings. If it has not been evident already, the idea of “democracy” and civil leadership have become irrelevant in the eyes of corruption. As the old saying goes, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

In the midst of pension reforms, the president of Nicaragua Daniel Ortega opted to cut pension benefits while raising the cost of benefits. This led to massive protests which have continued on since April of 2018. Since that time, scores of people have been murdered and thousands more hurt or displaced. The news coming out of Nicaragua is the same every day: protests, marches, killings, etc. It’s become the norm to hear about nothing but chaos and tragedy from there and places similar. There is a great deal that people fail to see about that situation. First of all, it is one that has taken place in many nations throughout time: a leader makes a decision that upsets the country and the people take to the streets in protest, disrupting their own lives while attempting to establish justice for themselves. It has happened before and as long as people continue to accept the “leader-follower” dynamic it will be sure to happen again.

There is nothing unique about what is happening in Nicaragua or in any of the aforementioned nations either. It is a pattern that continues when old ideals are expected to bring about different results. Is it tragic what is happening over there right now? Yes. However, it’s been seen and done before so many times that it fails to make an impact on the greater scale. Why? Because nothing changes and people stay in turmoil never achieving the justice and peace they seek. It’s one hand versus the other with force and brutality a constant in the mix. With fighting and rioting, all the people are essentially doing is validating the force and power of a morally bereft leader and his cadre of lapdog loyalists. The fact is that one does not have to fight their way to justice. They simply have to create it within themselves and those around them. Unfortunately, when such a skill is not instructed, inspired or given the chance to flourish in an individual, they are left believing that it is up to others to create and validate the justice they seek. Self-empowerment goes out the window, provided it was there at all in the first place.

If the people of Nicaragua or any other nation wish to create the justice they desire, the one thing they can do is to eliminate the need to be led. By eliminating the need to be led, the ability to solve problems and create life-affirming ways of living and being come into fruition. No bureaucracy or leadership needed. It is people defining their own existence and identity free or any governing influence. The minute anyone believes they need someone to govern any aspect of their living is when they weaken themselves. By saying, “I expect you to lead me,” one diminishes their ability to direct themselves and establish their own wellbeing. The people of Venezuela have made such an effort to evolve by creating their own money throughout the nation. They’re not waiting for a central bank or other agency to tell them what to do, they’re out there doing it and they’re exchanging in order to make their communities strong. Is there an effort to undermine them? Of course! The media and police will do anything to put down any effort individuals make to evolve from the status quo. While there is still much strife and disparity in Venezuela, at least the citizenry is developing ways to stop the violence and create wellbeing within themselves and others. If it hasn’t been done already, Nicaragua could take a cue from Venezuela.

The reason people fight and riot is because they haven’t learned how to form a wellbeing that is independent of others. They have expected others to provide and regulate that for them so they simply work within that establishment so as not to disrupt it. There would be no need to profit from control if there were no value in it. Because of money and inflation, leadership has become synonymous with political control. This has resulted in the existence of Daniel Ortega, Nicolas Maduro, Recep Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, and any other visceral dictator of any nation. While some of these heads of state lead an already conditioned population, others are off-balance trying to enforce their position as supreme ruler despite the fact that their policies are faulty and their leadership is irrelevant to the greater wellbeing.

The Sandinistas (or the FSLN- Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional) have become exactly what they were fighting against in the 1930’s when the United States tried to impose their rule upon Nicaragua. They have become the oppressive rule with Ortega at the front. It is ironic that an organization intent on overthrowing an oppressive force has become the very thing they were fighting against in the first place. So why have the people continued to believe that the Sandinistas could do anything for them? One word: complacency. They have become complacent thinking that such a rule would always serve their best interest. Likewise, they have become accustomed to believing that they must be subject to such rule and that it was right and just for them to do so. It’s no different than most anywhere else. With one mistake made in overconfidence, the FSLN and Ortega have burst the bubble of complacency among the people of Nicaragua. Without knowing any different, the people fight, get killed, cry injustice, and continue the cycle of chaos that plagues them.

Some individuals believe that there is no limit to Ortega’s influence. The only way this is true is if it is given validation and purpose. If one doesn’t give it validation and purpose, then it has no influence. One can be subject to the whims of an oppressive and abusive force but when one knows to balance self-empowerment with the ability to invalidate influence, they can assert themselves in ways that weaken the oppressive influence. It is a skill and it takes time to develop but it is not impossible to achieve. Even if it falters in the beginning, with persistence it will succeed. Nicaragua doesn’t need to fight amongst itself or even fight against Ortega and the Sandinistas. However, it is not some phony and contrived act of love that will bring an end to the fighting going on in that nation. It is the act of self and communal empowerment that invalidates the force of oppression. It is a willful act of defiance to a way of thinking and being that is as outdated as the Salem Witch Trials. It is time for the people of Nicaragua to evolve out of dependency on government and into reliance of themselves.